Monday, August 25, 2008

Better Late Than Never

These books above are Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series (from the first book Twilight). This was actually released on 2005 but I was only introduced to this series last April when my cousin Sarah gave me her first 2 books (in paperback) because she's buying the newly-released hard-bound copy of Twilight (1), New Moon (2) and Eclipse(3). The fourth book, Breaking Dawn only came out last August 2, 2008. Lucky for me! I can't believe I almost missed out on this series coz they're a great read. So, a million thanks to Sarah!

Hey, watch out for the movie adaptation of Twilight starring Kristen Stewart (The Messengers) as Bella Swan and Robert Pattinson(Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) as Edward Cullen. Release date used to be December 12, 2008 but due to the postponement of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Twilight can now be watched earlier, replacing HBP's spot on November 21, 2008.


If you noticed, at the left-hand corner of this page is a countdown to the release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. More than a week ago, this showed about "100 more days to go". However, now it read more than 300. Yup, that's right, it's definitely delayed and nope, this is no mere technical error. Warner Bros. has issued a statement in this regard saying that after about 4 weeks of thorough thinking, they have concluded that it is best to opt for a summer release of HBP to maximize the profitable market of a summer movie. Apparently, they were inspired by the success in the box-office of The Dark Knight which was released last July, and hoped for the same response next year.

Like I said, it's all CRAP! In my opinion, no matter when a Potter film is released, it would still "haul in the green" due to the enormous fanbase it's got eventhough most would be muttering under their breath the inadequacy of the films to capture the essence of the book, which is actually not possible: 700+ pages in 2 hours?Still, fans would line up to see the film, period! So what's the big deal delaying the film? Oh right, coz money is more important than the fans' anticipation to see the movie. Never mind the fact that it's the fans that they're profitting from! *rolls eyes*

Oh well, no matter the bashing, there's nothing we can say or do anything about it but to wait! *collective sigh around the world*See you at the cinemas July 2009!