Wednesday, October 28, 2009

High School never ends...?

As I was driving home from school, a song "high school never ends" was blasting through the radio. This made me reminisce through the whole 15-minute drive home. The fact is, I really enjoyed my high school life. I still maintain regular contact with my high school bestfriends, occasionally meet during our free time, and even plan for future travels. On special occasions, and on holidays, we have an outing, reminiscent of high school outings--with the same faces. Some classmates, no matter the constant invite, never really show up, some show up once in a while, and some, like me, is always present on the occasion (LOL!). Make that few. I think I can only count about 5 of us who are always present. Well, we used to be the organizers years back. I guess that's our primary role. I keep thinking maybe I should be absent sometimes because come our grand reunion, I wouldn't really be amazed at the 10-year evolution of our classmates because I'm relatively updated annually. But then, I really enjoyed the company of these people that I really like going to these gatherings. In fact, I'm so looking forward to our 10-year reunion. That would be in 2011. My only concern is, I would be a PGI at that time, and I'm fervently praying that the officers won't schedule the reunion during my duty.

Bring it on!

If I maybe complaining about being the jinxed last post, well, notice the lag in the date. True enough, I was so busy I hadn't had time to blog. I don't care about compatibilities in the chakras anymore. Truth is, busy-hon na jud ko! Eversince surgery, OB, pedia, and presently in OB-NOPH...I think I'm the busiest in our group, if not in our whole class, rivaled only by my own duty-mates...haha! In other words, our duty group has been the busiest among the class, setting record-high admissions whichever department we're in. I was thinking, maybe we're only busy if we're apart, because for some reason, when the three of us are together, we're relatively not busy--whatever.

The only thing I can say for now is, I'm really enjoying my rotation in OB-NOPH (I do want to be an OBGYN). And yes, I also hold the record of highest admissions in our group, and in our class so far (Group C has not rotated yet). But I'm glad because this meant more cases, and more experiences. The one I particularly enjoyed was delivering my 3rd set of twins, because this was done vaginally, and I was the one who really delivered them (and not just as first-assist, as in cesarean sections). Since the second twin was breech in presentation, I was also able to do the Mauricio maneuver (I'm only the second in our class to do so, but I think I would get more credit since I delivered a live baby, unlike my classmate who did it on a case of fetal demise).

This being said, I'm really going to miss this present rotation. Tomorrow would be my last duty and I'm expecting a full 24-hours duty again (not a wink of sleep). But I say, bring it on!