Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bring it on!

If I maybe complaining about being the jinxed last post, well, notice the lag in the date. True enough, I was so busy I hadn't had time to blog. I don't care about compatibilities in the chakras anymore. Truth is, busy-hon na jud ko! Eversince surgery, OB, pedia, and presently in OB-NOPH...I think I'm the busiest in our group, if not in our whole class, rivaled only by my own duty-mates...haha! In other words, our duty group has been the busiest among the class, setting record-high admissions whichever department we're in. I was thinking, maybe we're only busy if we're apart, because for some reason, when the three of us are together, we're relatively not busy--whatever.

The only thing I can say for now is, I'm really enjoying my rotation in OB-NOPH (I do want to be an OBGYN). And yes, I also hold the record of highest admissions in our group, and in our class so far (Group C has not rotated yet). But I'm glad because this meant more cases, and more experiences. The one I particularly enjoyed was delivering my 3rd set of twins, because this was done vaginally, and I was the one who really delivered them (and not just as first-assist, as in cesarean sections). Since the second twin was breech in presentation, I was also able to do the Mauricio maneuver (I'm only the second in our class to do so, but I think I would get more credit since I delivered a live baby, unlike my classmate who did it on a case of fetal demise).

This being said, I'm really going to miss this present rotation. Tomorrow would be my last duty and I'm expecting a full 24-hours duty again (not a wink of sleep). But I say, bring it on!

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