Thursday, December 30, 2010

Good times!

Ten years and counting....;)

High School Life

I've just attended our high school batch reunion (9th year) and realized, not much has changed for me since then, except for the title before my name. It was not well attended, just around 40 persons (not even 1 section) and I blame this on the weather. Some who promised to come did not make it owing to the heavy downpour just a few minutes before showtime. But still, I had such a blast, I feel so blest to have such classmates, to have found enduring friendships among a variety of personalities.

I know I have been missing on a lot of things, but this is not to say I did not enjoy the kind of life that I have chosen. With the 10-year reunion fast approaching, already in January, realizations began hitting me left, right and center. I've only begun my career (not even, since I have yet to pass the boards in August), while others have already established theirs; I haven't even had a serious relationship up to now, though my current status deserves a Facebook's "it's complicated" status, the most that I have other than "single", while others already have children (yes, more than 1); others have long flown away from their nests and lived independently, while I'm still dependent on my parents' allowance.

I don't mean to compare, or even compete, for I know there are also others way behind me. But still, time is running out. They say it's not the years in your life, but the life in your years. I've always thought that despite not yet achieving those aforementioned things, I've lived enough life in my years. But with recent events, I realized, it wasn't nearly as lively as I originally thought. Now, I thank God I did the things that I did. I have no regrets, though things may seem so messed up. I always believe everything happens for a reason. And behind the darkest cloud is a silver lining...or something like that..haha!

Time Flies

And I thought the last time I blogged was just a few months ago...well, that few months is actually almost a year now. Times have been busy...but in between, there was actually some space, though not much to talk about. And when there was so much to talk about, the time to blog seems elusive, and only goes as far as the time I drive from the hospital to the house, after which I would then forget, that I was actually planning to blog it.

Anyhow, as 2 more days remain before we cross over to another year, I hope to recount the many things, many "firsts", that has come my way since I last blogged. I would have liked to share those that happened in the first to third quarters of this year but the story already seems stale, and the minute details have since escaped my memory. But then again, the last quarter, in fact, the last month, have been filled with some of the most memorable experiences I had, it feels like I've only begun living my life.