Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hungry Young Poet

Every time I feel inspired over an XY chromosome-related stuff, I feel the urge to write. My hopeless romantic side would kick in and I find myself stringing poetic (kuno) verses into paper. And it's not only the inspiration phase but everytime I feel a strong emotion towards the object of my affection. It could be the heartbreaking part that's intense enough to make me get a pen and paper and write.

I was recently inspired by XY, something I haven't really been in a long time. Something clicked in the corner of my mind and I suddenly recalled having a blank book where I write all those poems I had written since high school. It had been a long time indeed, for last I wrote was January 2005. Wow. Too long it has been. Just so in case my memory fails me, I always wrote in the back of the page who I'm referring to.

Having been reunited with this book, I reread some, trying to connect the feelings embodied in the poems to who I am right now. Well, this put things into perspective about time making me grow in numbers. ( I hope too, that my maturation level has grown as well)

A particular song immediately came to mind. "I remember the boy, but I don't remember the feeling anymore". LOL. I might remember the feeling, as expressed by my writings, but I feel so detached from them that I could only laugh from my own foolishness. But is it really foolish? At one point in time, I truly did feel those emotions. I might have exaggerated a bit to express my poetic freedom though.

So where was I in the last 4 years? Only two things:

First, I haven't found an inspiration in that time period.

Second, I had completely forgotten that I own this particular book.

It's more likely the first since if I had been inspired enough to write, then I would know where to write it. Like what happened now.

What's amazing was, the person I'm referring to in probably the last three entries I had 4 years ago, is the same person I'm referring to now.

Hmm. logically, it follows that throughout those years of searching, I still harbor affection for this person. Of course, I know I do. I should know right? I'm just not sure about the intensity of it, whether time had made it wax or wane.

It remains to be seen. Anything goes. But I got myself hoping again. Am I ready? I feel that I am.

**so? I am hungry. And of course still young! LOL**

1 comment:

Eloisa said...

Aba, I'm intrigued. Just WHO is this Mr. Love Object? hehe... he must be some guy...any person who inspires poetry has definitely made a mark in a person's psyche. keep writing! :-D